
Located in Buffalo New York, Silo City is an emerging center for arts, performance and community events on the site of an inactive grain silo complex located on the Buffalo River. Working with local non-profits including PUSH Buffalo, this project focuses on landscape management and strategic site editing as means of shaping the development of the dynamic landscape that characterizes this and so many other post-industrial sites. Project w/ Sean Burkholder, University of Buffalo.


access plan

An expansive and even dangerous site an initial effort was to organize the site by using landscape to control access and direct circulation while also defining areas for new programs to activate the site.


Soil building

Through partnerships with local non-profit group, PUSH Buffalo, an on-site composting program has allowed for new productive soils to be manufactured and used on site to reclaim areas of this post-industrial site. 


SITe succession

By manipulating site grading and drainage the dynamic ecologies of the site are shaped creating spatial and visual clarity that directs visitors and facilities a range of new programs.


Event spaces

Simple elements, like metal guardrails, are used to define and organize event spaces allowing for a single space to accommodate a variety of events large and small. Multi-use parking area expand and contract as program requires. 


Desire lines

Clear and direct circulation cuts through a variety of successional landscapes allowing visitors to experience a diverse set of landscapes from open meadows and dense thickets to low wooded wetlands.