This temporary garden was commissioned for the 100th Anniversary of the Landscape Architecture Program at Ohio State. The garden offers contemporary interpretations of traditional garden elements including bosque, parterre, folly, field, and bosco (wild woods)
Threshold space
The temporary garden claimed the space at the front of Knowlton Hall creating a space to meet, gather, and explore. The contemporary forms of the garden elements created an image of the landscape program reflecting its progressive focus.
Playful planters
Five unique planter forms were designed to hold young River Birch trees, in order to have a larger spatial and aesthetic impact, the planters each tilted at a different angle allowing the trees to combine to make a dense Bosque.
Studio View
Viewed from above, the garden's impact on how the space was viewed and used was apparent. Desire lines were maintained while new edges and spaces articulated.
Bare-Root BoSCO (Wild Woods)
The temporary garden was maintained through the fall and winter months allowing 1000 Ohio native bare-root trees to be included in the garden. The trees were temporarily rooted in lines of decomposed granite.
Grass-score joints
In order to reclaim an area from the concrete plaza, 100 score joints were cut into the concrete and seeded with grass. As the seeds germinated a green figure was imposed on the normally stark/grey plaza.